I’m writing this down here as I often question my knowledge of what is correct and I’d like to find this information in a single article. If you wish to comment to correct this, please do so and I’ll update the post with the corrected information. This article was previously also posted here.

For Atlassian Connect apps, there are 2 license states that can be found from within the app:

  • active
  • none

…but several ways to locate this information.

Getting the license status

There are various methods:

Get license status from the request parameter on the app’s URL

Jira & Confluence will request your app with a URL similar to this


Simply test for this request parameter:

const getUrlSearchParam = (key) =>
  new URLSearchParams(location.search).get(key);
const license = getUrlSearchParam('lic'); // `active` or `none`

Get license status from the context

When using JWT based auth

AP.context.getToken gives a JSON object

AP.context.getToken((token) => { // token is a JSON object
  const isLicenseActive = token.context.license.active; // true or false

When auth is NONE

AP.context.getToken gives a JWT string that needs parsing…

const parseJwt = (token) => { // @see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38552302
  var base64 = token.split(".")[1].base64Url.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/");
  var jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(window.atob(base64).split("").map((c) =>  "%" + ("00" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)) .join(""));
  return JSON.parse(jsonPayload) || null;

AP.context.getToken((token) => { // token is a JSON object
  const payload = parseJwt(token); // parse the token to reveal the payload
  const isLicenseActive = payload?.context?.license?.active || false;

Get the license from the REST API for the app

🔴   Warning, this may give false data because of MC-1001

This method gives you the most detail on the “current state” of the license:

  .then(data => JSON.parse(data.body))
  .then(data => {
  	console.log(data); // spew out everything
	const isLicenseActive = data?.license?.active || false;

Examples output of the console.log output…

Unlicensed app

This may just be what you get from a developer license/private listing – need to confirm this.

	"key": "{addon-key}",
	"version": "X.Y.Z-AC",
	"installedDate": "2021-11-10T10:17:14Z",
	"lastUpdated": "2021-11-25T15:03:43Z",
	"state": "ENABLED",
	"host": {
		"product": "Confluence"
	"links": {
		"marketplace": [
				"href": "https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/{addon-key}"
		"self": [
				"href": "https://yourinstance.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addon-key}"

Active evaluation license

	"key": "{addon-key}",
	"version": "X.Y.Z-AC",
	"installedDate": "2021-11-10T10:17:14Z",
	"lastUpdated": "2021-11-25T15:03:43Z",
	"state": "ENABLED",
	"host": {
		"product": "Confluence"
	"license": {
		"active": true,
		"type": "COMMERCIAL",
		"evaluation": true,
		"supportEntitlementNumber": "SEN-XXXXX",
		"entitlementId": "abcdef-ghi-jki-9103-gfdgfdg12345",
		"entitlementNumber": "E-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX"
	"links": {
		"marketplace": [
				"href": "https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/{addon-key}"
		"self": [
				"href": "https://yourinstance.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addon-key}"

That’s it. Let me know if there’s any other ways :slight_smile:

In my next post, I’m asking what do lic=active & lic=none actually mean?