JRebel saves compile time. It "Instantly reload changes to Java classes" – that's the marketing talk anyway.

The theory is great. Anything has to be better than the randomness of Atlassian's FastDev or atlas-cli, right? If it's really worth the hype, I want to use it with the Atlassian SDK and speed up my development time. Here's a short tutorial for JIRA development. Scroll down to the video if you want a demo.

Getting up and running...

Here's my quick "how to" get up and running.
Get the jrebel.jar and save it somewhere - like /opt/jrebel/jrebel.jar

Add the jvmArgs in the plugin to point at said file (and turn off fast dev)…


Add the jrebel-maven-plugin under build > plugins (see details of what does what here).


Run atlas-run or atlas-debug on the command line, checking for any errors.

In Intelli-J, enable automatic compiling on code change by checking Make project build automatically:


Change something in your code & reload the page.

All is automatically updated. Immediately. No more waiting for code compile changes.

Check this quick video demo:


The good news – it's pretty cool. The bad news – JRebel costs around $365 per seat per year. But think of all the time you save.