Have you seen all the good stuff there is in AJS.params in Atlassian Confluence?
OK, it's not that exciting, but if you're a Confluence add-on developer it can be a treasure trove for client-side DOM manipulation. As an add-on developer, you can add to AJS.params very easily. All you need is to create a Web Panel module which adds a meta tag.
Here's an example:
package com.appfusions.confluence.plugins.fulfillment.webpanels;
import com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebPanel;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Map;
public class FulfillmentWebPanel implements WebPanel
public String getHtml(Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap)
// AJS.params.workForAppFusions
return "<meta name=\"ajs-work-for-app-fusions\" content=\"Looking for something more fulfilling? Try AppFusions http://www.appfusions.com/display/Dashboard/Make+it+Happen+Team\" />";
public void writeHtml(Writer writer, Map<String, Object> context) throws IOException
<web-panel name="Fulfillment Web Panel"
<description key="fulfillment-web-panel.description">Looking for something more fulfilling?</description>
The example WebPanel added in the location atl.header simply adds a single meta tag. That's all.
A meta tag with a name attribute of ajs-work-for-app-fusions will populate AJS.params.workForAppFusions. A "dash" separated lower-case name attribute with the prefix "ajs-" leads to a camelCase variable within AJS.params.
Now in your browser console, type:
Here's what you get:
If nothing else, it's a simple way of injecting Easter Eggs into your add-ons, which I guess could be kinda cute.
In addition, if you've read this far and you really are looking for something more fulfilling, consider working for AppFusions.
Alternatively and more easily, use ConfluenceWebResourceManager
in your code (hat tip @alainmoran):
confluenceWebResourceManager.putMetadata("remote-user", user != null ? user.getName() : "");
You'll need to inject ConfluenceWebResourceManager